With 2020 kindly bestowing the gift of online classes on children, most children spend their days glued to the screen all day. They keep staring at small fonts and harsh blue light-emitting devices for hours, which is detrimental to their eyesight. Today, we’ve compiled a combination of some eye friendly foods and eye enemy foods for your child. Read till the end to know some simple tips that can strengthen your child’s eyesight!


What children eat has a huge impact on their health, including their precious eyesight. Eating a well balanced diet and drinking adequate water is one of the most helpful things they can do to protect their eyes. Here are some eye health boosting foods.


Our eye retinas need two variants of omega 3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA to function. Both these types of omega 3 abound in fatty fish like trout, salmon and tuna. Also, omega 3 helps prevent age related eye degeneration, dry eyes, glaucoma and cataracts. If your child won’t eat fish often, you can give them fish oil supplements to get the same benefits.

Leafy green vegetables

Dark leafy vegetables like collards, kale and spinach are rich in zeaxanthin, lutein, beta carotene and vitamin C. these powerful anti oxidants protect the eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays exposure. They are the natural sunscreen for your eyes. If your child isn’t a fan of leafy greens, avocado and peas are the next best option.


One of the most kid friendly eye food, eggs are rich in zeaxanthiin and lutein, the antioxidants. Also, eggs are rich in zinc, vitamins C and E, making them even good for the eyes. Give your child an egg with breakfast every other day to keep their eyes bright and twinkling.


Lentils, black beans and kidney beans are a great source of bioflavonoids and zinc. These nutrients keep cataracts and macular degeneration away, and protect your child’s eye from light damage.


Most nuts and seeds, including almonds, are good for eye health! Include lots of hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds and sunflower seeds in food or as a snack to keep those little eyes shining. Chia seeds, hemp seeds and flax seeds are other good options.

Citrus fruits

Vitamin C is one of the main defenders that guards eyes from degeneration and cataracts. You can find lots of vitamin c in lemons, oranges, berries and grapefruits.


Our eyes are largely vascular in structure. Like our heart, our eyes are filled with capillaries that supply oxygen and nutrients to keep them sharp and focused. Fatty deposits can build up in your eyes and can easily block veins. Here are some foods you should avoid giving your children or moderate them to promote healthy eyes.

Dressings and toppings

The toppings and dressings we relish, like salad dressing, jellies and mayonnaise are all high fat. Eating these too often can lead to diminishing eyesight. Rather than these, alternate with fresh vegetable toppings and a squeeze of lemon to get that vitamin C.

Saturated fats

Saturated fat rich food like margarine, french fries, chips and fried food can be delicious, but can cause big side effects down the line if eaten too often. You can serve them in moderation or switch to healthier methods like air frying. Use healthier oils less in trans, saturated fats.


  • An hour in the sun every day, and no eyesight problems for your child, say experts! The bright outdoor light helps keep the lens and retina in sharp focus.
  • Excessive sun exposure is one of the main reasons for cataract formation. Wear sunglasses outside to keep your eyes shielded from sunlight.
  • For every 20 minutes in front of a screen, look away for 20 seconds and focus on several things 20 feet away.
  • Rub your palms together until they are warm and cup them over your eyes. The warmth of the palm helps eyes relax,
  • Tension in the shoulder because of stress can build upwards and affect the neck, jaw and eyes. Take time to loosen up your shoulders every half an hour to rescue your eyes from the extra pressure.